Terms & Conditions of service

WEB www.radiologist-uk.com Company name RADIOLOGY REPORTING ONLINE S.L.P. CIF/NlF B19690247 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Ownership of this website www.radiologist-uk.com is held by: RADIOLOGY REPORTING ONLINE S.L.P. (hereinafter UKRO), provided with CIF/NIF: B19690247 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of GRANADA and its registration data are: Volume 1679, Folio 73, Section 8, Sheet GR53292, Inscription 1, and whose contact details are: Address: Avda. de Cervantes, 14. 6º-A. 18008-GRENADA Contact telephone number: 658 040 830 Email: info@radiologist-uk.com This document regulates the Contract Conditions by which this website www.radiologist-uk.com and the purchase of products or the contracting of the services offered. In addition to taking into account these Conditions, pay attention to our Legal Notice, Cookies Policy and our Privacy Policy before to access, navigate and/or use this website. For the purposes of these Conditions, the activity that UKRO develops is: RADIOLOGICAL INFORMATION SERVICE “ON LINE” By using this website and purchasing any of our products or contracting our services, the user agrees to be bound by these Conditions of Hiring and therefore all of the above mentioned if you do not agree, do not must use, browse or use this website. Likewise, you are informed that these Conditions could be modified. The user will be the person responsible for consulting them each time you access, browse and/or use www.radiologistuk.com, since those in force at the time of the one that is carried out (the acquisition of products or contracting of services). For all those questions that the User may have in reference to these General Conditions, contact UKRO using the contact details previously provided, or through the contact form. 2.- THE USER R.

The access, navigation and use of www.radiologist-uk.com, confers the condition of User, therefore, from the moment you start browsing through www.radiologistuk.com, all the Conditions that are established are accepted, as well as their subsequent modifications, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding provisions mandatory laws. The user assumes responsibility for correct use of www.radiologist-uk.com. This responsibility will extend to: .-Make appropriate use of www.radiologist-uk.com to make inquiries and (purchases of products or contracting of services) legally valid. .-Do not make any false or fraudulent purchase. If UKRO considers any operation of this nature, could be canceled and informing the authorities relevant. .- Provide truthful and lawful data. The User declares to be over 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into contracts via www.radiologist-uk.com. UKRO is mainly aimed at Users residing in Spain. UKRO does not ensure that www.radiologist-uk.com complies with the laws of other countries, either totally or partially. UKRO declines all liability arising from such access, as well as nor does it insure shipments or the provision of services outside of Spain. 3.- PURCHASE OR ACQUISITION PROCESS To make any purchase at www.radiologist-uk.com, it is necessary that the User be of legal age. Users duly registered at www.radiologist-uk.com must follow the online purchase and/or acquisition procedure established by UKRO. The steps to follow to purchase products or contract services are: To receive these services, the user must register in the Patient Area of ​​the site Web. Once registered, users will be redirected to another page where they must attach the documentation or reports that are considered pertinent and that have been previously obtained to be able to give you the second opinion and be budgeted in consequence. As we have previously commented, the budget as well as the price of the service will be sent to you by email. Previously, users in all cases are responsible for reading and accepting the privacy policy, terms and conditions of the contract that imply payment obligations. Services cannot be offered if the professional team decides that they do not have Sufficient documentation and/or reports. It is very important that the user understands this. After receiving the documentation and/or user reports, our teams of professionals can contact the user by email where they will share

with users the various forms of payment. Users can download the reports issued by Radiology Reporting Online, S.L in its own private area of patients, and the professional team will notify users by email email when available. Users will have a password that will be treated confidentially and responsible. Only the user will be able to access the Patient Area. this password as well as the username, will be assigned to the user as a client, and both the password such as username should not be given to others. 4.-AVAILABILITY All products or services displayed on www.radiologist-uk.com are subject to the availability at the time of consulting the web page, will be maintained constantly updated their availability, thus showing the units available as truthfully as possible on UKRO. If there were difficulties regarding the supply of products or if there were no products in stock, UKRO undertakes to contact the user and refund the amount that would have been paid as an amount. In the case of not having stock or stocks, you can contact UKRO to request information on the availability of products or services interested. 5.- PRICES AND PAYMENT The prices displayed on www.radiologist-uk.com are final, in Euros (€) and include taxes unless, by legal requirement, especially those related to VAT. However, and unless otherwise indicated, the prices of the items offered exclude shipping costs that may be incurred, which will be added to the total amount in due time to manage the shipping procedure by the User, and where he will consult the different delivery routes and the costs that each one entails of them, so the User can freely choose the one that suits them best. In no event will UKRO add any additional costs to the price of the products or services contracted automatically, but only those that the User has selected and chosen voluntarily and freely.

Prices may change at any time, but the changes reflected will not will affect the orders or purchases that the User has made, have the receipt and has not been completed. We offer you different forms of payment: .-By credit or debit card You can make the payment immediately through the secure SSL payment gateway of Our bank. If it were necessary to make any return or cancellation of the order, the amount will be refunded through the same payment card. cards credit will be subject to verifications and authorizations by the entity issuing bank, UKRO. will not be responsible for any delay or lack of delivery due to this reason. By clicking on Authorize Payment or Confirm Payment, the User guarantees that the credit card credit is yours or that you are the legitimate holder of the gift card or credit card. .-By Bank transfer By cash deposit or bank transfer in favor of: UKRO. Entity: . YOU WILL COMMUNICATE BY EMAIL. Account number: . Indicating in the At the time of making the transfer, the customer’s name and order number. The Orders made in this way will be reserved for 5 calendar days from the confirmation of the order, once the payment is received, it will be managed and prepared for its shipment, if it is not made in that period it will be canceled.

6.- DELIVERY In the cases in which it proceeds to make the physical delivery of the contracted good, deliveries will take place in the following territory: IN ALL COUNTRIES. Except for those cases in which some unforeseen circumstance occurs or extraordinary or, derived from the personalization of the products, we will try to send the order of related products in each Dispatch Confirmation before the date of delivery that appears in the Dispatch Confirmation in question or, if it is not specify any delivery date, within the estimated term indicated when selecting the shipping method and, in any case, within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of the Order Confirmation. If for any reason, attributable to it, UKRO could not meet the date of delivery, will contact the User to inform him of this circumstance and, he may choose to go ahead with the purchase by setting a new delivery date, change the delivery address or cancel the order with the corresponding refund. In the event that it is impossible to make the effective delivery of the order due to absence of the User, the order could be returned to the warehouse. However, the carrier will leave a notice explaining the day and time of the attempted delivery and where you are the order and how to get it delivered again. If by any incident the

User will not be at the designated address, contact UKRO to change address or postpone delivery. If for any reason, 30 days have elapsed since the order is available for delivery and has not been delivered for any reason not attributable to UKRO, will understand that the User wishes to withdraw from the contract and it will be considered terminated. As a consequence of the termination of the contract, all payments will be returned made by the User, discounting those additional expenses incurred. For the purposes of these Conditions, it will be understood that the delivery or that the order has been delivered at the moment in which the User or a third party indicated by the latter, acquire material possession of the products, which will be accredited by signing the receipt of the order at the address defined by the User. 7.-TECHNICAL MEANS TO CORRECT ERRORS In the event that the User detects that an error has occurred when entering data necessary to process the purchase request at www.radiologist-uk.com, you may modify them by contacting UKRO through those means authorized to contact customer service. In addition, said information may be modified by the User himself in his section or personal area. In the same way, the User is referred to consult the Legal Notice and Conditions of Hiring of use to collect more information consult on how to exercise the Right of Rectification as established in Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December December, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights. 8.- RETURNS In the cases in which the User purchases products on or through www.radiologistuk.com, they are assisted by a series of rights: .- Right of Withdrawal The User, in accordance with article 68 and 102 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, you have the right to withdraw, with a minimum period of 14 calendar days without need for justification. Said term will expire 14 calendar days from the day that the User or a third party appointed by him, acquired material possession of the goods acquired in www.radiologist-uk.com, or in the event that the goods making up the order are delivered separately, within 14 calendar days of the day that the User or a third party received the last of the goods that made up the same order. To exercise this right, the User must notify UKRO of his decision. you can do it where appropriate, through the contact spaces provided at www.radiologist-uk.com –

The supply of goods that after their delivery and taking into account their nature have been mixed inseparably with other goods. – The supply of alcoholic beverages whose price has been agreed upon in the time of entering into the sales contract and that cannot be delivered before of 30 days, and whose real value depends on market fluctuations that the employer cannot control. – The contracts in which the consumer and user have specifically requested to the employer who visits him to carry out repair or urgent maintenance; if, during that visit, the employer provides additional services to those specifically requested by the consumer or supplies goods other than the spare parts used necessarily to carry out the operations of maintenance or repair, the right of withdrawal must apply to such additional services or goods. – The supply of sealed sound or video recordings or programs sealed computer devices that have been unsealed by the consumer and user after delivery. – The supply of daily press, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications. – Contracts entered into through public auctions. – The provision of accommodation services for purposes other than serving as housing, transportation of goods, car rental, food or services related to leisure activities, if the contracts provide for a date or a specific period of execution. -The supply of digital content that is not provided on a tangible support when the execution has begun with the prior express consent of the consumer and user with the knowledge on his part that he consequently loses his right of withdrawal. .- Return of defective products or due to shipping error We refer to all those cases in which the User considers that, in the At the time of delivery, the product does not conform to what is stipulated in the contract or order of purchase, and that therefore you should contact UKRO immediately and notify you of the existing discrepancy (defect/error) by the same means or using the contact information provided in the previous section. The User will then be informed about how to proceed in cases of return of the products, and these, once returned, will be examined and the customer will be informed User, within a reasonable time, if the reimbursement proceeds or, where appropriate, to the substitution of the same. The refund or replacement of the product will be made as soon as possible and, at any

case, within 14 days from the date on which we send you an email confirming the refund of the amount, or replacement of the product. The amounts paid for those products that are returned due to some tare or defect, when it really exists, will be refunded in full, including the delivery costs incurred to deliver the item and the costs in which the User would have incurred to return it to us. The refund will be made in the same means of payment that was used to pay for the purchase. 9.- EXEMPTION OF LIABILITY Unless otherwise provided by law, UKRO will not accept any responsibility for the following losses, regardless of their origin: Any loss that is not attributable to any breach on your part. Business losses. Indirect losses that were not reasonably foreseeable by both parties at the time the contract of sale was formalized. Similarly, UKRO only limits its liability to the following cases: UKRO applies all its measures to provide a true image of the product at www.radiologist-uk.com, however, is not responsible for the minimum differences or inaccuracies that may exist due to the lack of resolution of the screen, or problems with the browser used. UKRO will act with the utmost diligence in order to make available to the company in charge of transporting the product of the purchase order. Without However, it is not responsible for damages resulting from a bad operation of transport, especially strikes, withholdings of highways, and in general any other characteristic of the sector, that derive in delays, loss or theft of the product. Technical failures that due to fortuitous causes or of another nature, prevent a normal operation of the service through the Internet. Lack of availability in www.radiologist-uk.com for maintenance or other reasons, which prevent have the service. UKRO puts all the means at its disposal for the purpose of carry out the complete purchase process of the products, however, it is exempts from responsibility for causes that are not attributable to it, fortuitous event or Force Majeure. UKRO will not be responsible for the misuse and/or wear of the products that have been used by the User. At the same time, UKRO will also not be made responsible for an erroneous return made by the User. In general, UKRO will not be liable for non-performance or delay in compliance with some of the assumed obligations, when it is due to events that are beyond our reasonable control, that is, that

due to force majeure. 10.- NULLITY If any of these Conditions were declared null and void by firm resolution issued by the competent authority, the rest of the clauses will remain in force, without being affected by said declaration of nullity. 11.- DATA PROTECTION The information or data of a personal nature that the User provides to UKRO in the course of a transaction on www.radiologist-uk.com, will be treated in accordance with the established in the Privacy Policy, General Conditions and Legal Notice. By accessing, browse and / or use www.radiologist-uk.com the user consents to the treatment of said information and data and declares that all the information or data they provide is true. 12.-APPLICABLE LAW The access, navigation and/or use of www.radiologist-uk.com and the contracts of (purchase of products or services) through it will be governed by Spanish law. Any controversy, problem or disagreement arising out of or related to the access, navigation and/or use of www.radiologist-uk.com or with the interpretation and execution of these Conditions, or with the contracts produced between the User and UKRO, will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals Spanish people. 13.- CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTS The User can send UKRO their complaints, claims or all kinds of comment you wish to make through the contact information provided to the principle of these General Conditions. In addition, UKRO has returns and claims forms for any disagreement that the User may have.